Jubiläum IB: Rory Sutherland über "I'm sorry, but we should have warned you! - On the hidden perils of becoming obsessed with metrics and measurement."

20. Mai // 11:00 Uhr // Online // Vortragsreihe zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum von BWL-International Business in English

Presentation Focus:

“What gets measured, gets managed.” This saying has become a fundamental motto for our productivity-driven world. However, this begs the essential question: what happens to the parts which are not measurable?

Managers fear, for understandable reasons, taking risks. Exploring new opportunities is often seen as an unnecessary cost in businesses and is thought to create potential for unpredictable and possibly damaging outcomes. A large portion of available resources are further invested in optimization of the “status quo”. However, one of the most essential aspects of business optimization in the field of marketing, human behavior, often falls under these “immeasurable” aspects.

Behavioral Economics are acknowledged as a science that focusses on the needs which influence consumer decisions. Radically new but just stringent is the thesis that with the integration of Behavioral Economics, complete business strategies can be optimized with great success.

Rory Sutherland will introduce these groundbreaking ideas, and explain how customers think and how one may gain disproportional value from it - just because almost no one else is doing it (yet).

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of Ogilvy UK, one of the world’s most prestigious marketing agencies. His area of expertise lies at the crossroads of marketing and behavioral economics. Rory Sutherland has written several books which have been published., Additionally he participated in the world known TED Talk program. His video “Life lessons from an ad man” has generated over 3.5 million views. Meanwhile he wrote in his blog for the Spectator magazine. He is an expert of practical human behavior in economic contexts, advertising, and social media in the age of Internet.

Dieser Vortrag findet virtuell und auf Englisch statt. 

  • Termin: Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
  • Uhrzeit: 11:00-11:30 Uhr
  • Zielgruppe: Unternehmen, Studierende und fachlich Interessierte
  • Ort: virtuell über Zoom (Den Link erhalten Sie nach der Anmeldung)

Zur Terminübersicht der Veranstaltungsreihe

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